Thursday Favorites: Folk Pop on Spotify

Hey y’all! I’m dedicating today’s Thursday Favorite to one of my favorite Spotify playlists. I’ve recently fallen just a little bit in love with the Folk Pop playlist – I’m even jamming to it as we speak! It’s great to have on in the background when I’m in the photo editing zone and especially when I’m working at Café Vecchio in Plaza de Vigo. It does wonders to drown out the obnoxious high schoolers and horrifying playlist these people have on repeat over here.

I love discovering new music this way, and who doesn’t love a little upbeat, folk first thing in the morning?! The discover option on Spotify will lead you to perfectly curated playlists with exactly the type of music you’re looking for according to your current mood or a specified genre. It’s like Spotify can read my mind! Despite the scary implications of technology taking over and reading our minds, I actually really love not having to spend hours wading through new albums and charts on itunes to find a few new songs (kind of lazy I know, but I’m a very busy girl!). There is just SO much music out there, that if this feature wasn’t available I’d probably still be listening to Madonna’s The Immaculate Collection  CD on repeat, just like I did for the better part of the 1990s.

I’ve linked the playlist below so that y’all can check it out. If folk pop isn’t your thing or you’re just in the mood for a little something else, check out the other discover options and find something that does float your boat.

Thursday Favorites: Folk Pop on Spotify

Thursday Favorites: Isopure

If you’ve been following along, you know that I’ve recently resolved to become healthier and more fit. On my quest for enlightenment and a tight booty, I’ve been running like a mad woman, already this month I’ve clocked 30 miles and find myself getting faster every day (be my friend on RunKeeper, look for Taylor Barker or taylsb). At this point, I feel like I’ve really got the exercise thing down, so I’ve decided to shift some of that willpower and focus over to my diet so that I can crush that part of my life as well.

I find it difficult to eat well for the following reasons: I’m lazy, I’m picky, I love bread and pasta and pizza and potatoes, and I have PCOS. Mostly, I have a hard time choosing the right foods because I have 23 years of bad eating habits working against me. However, this is NO EXCUSE! The past few weeks, I’ve been nose deep in all sorts of research, trying to make sense of what I should and shouldn’t be eating. The overall takeaway is that I need more protein and a variety of foods that are low on the glycemic index. If you want to learn more about the glycemic index, check out this resource.

After realizing that I really don’t have enough protein in my diet, I headed to my local GNC to find a protein supplement to ensure that I’m getting the proper nutrition to help my muscles recover and to overhaul my diet. I chose Isopure: Zero Carb in the creamy vanilla flavor and got a cute little protein shaker to go with it. I drink one serving after a workout and just that one serving is packed with FIFTY grams of protein. It’s also packed with vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and is gluten and lactose free. It’s pretty tasty, and I usually enjoy an apple or scoop of natural peanut or almond butter with it. I love that Isopure offers a variety of zero carb options and look forward to trying all the tasty ones, like Cookies & Cream, and Mint Chocolate Chip! There are also low carb options, but given my insulin resistance from the PCOS, I’m going to stick with the zero carb ones for the time being.

I wanted to write about Isopure as my Thursday Favorite because as silly as it sounds, this healthy lifestyle change makes me excited and happy. It’s pretty tasty and so easy to use, just two scoops, some H2O and a quick shake – be careful not to shake too vigorously or your shake will be all bubbles, you’ll feel bloated and you’ll be burping all day… I may or may not have made that mistake 😉

So far, I’ve feel really good about using Isopure. It could totally be the placebo effect, but as long as I’m feeling good and seeing a healthy difference, I’m a happy camper! I love that I feel like I’m finally in control, and although I’m no medical professional, just a girl on a mission, I really hope that my experiences can inspire someone to do the same.

Feel free to share your thoughts, questions, and healthy protein shake tips!

Thursday Favorites: Isopure

Thursday Favorites: Benefit Cosmetics

Thursday has always been my favorite day of the week, so today I’m beginning a new series, “Thursday Favorites!” (that’s just a working title until I can think of something a little more creative). For this first installment, I’m sharing some of my favorites from Benefit Cosmetics.

1. They’re Real! Lengthening Mascara – I’ve been using this for years and I love it! It’s totally waterproof, so rain (or tears) or shine, this baby sticks to your lashes and makes them glamorous until you wash your face at night. $24

2. Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow! Liquid Foundation – I like this foundation because it covers really well, but isn’t heavy. I loathe that caked-on makeup feel and look, so this is just the perfect dewy foundation for me. You can build from light to medium coverage and it lasts! $36

3. Total Moisture Facial Cream – I was initially attracted to this product because of the smell – it’s just fabulous. I love that it’s lightweight and leaves me feeling moisturized all day. $42

4. Gimme Brow – This brow-volumizing gel has absolutely transformed my brows. Filling in your eyebrows is one of the more impactful ways that you can easily and affordably transform your look. And in true Benefit fashion it lasts – like really, lasts! $24

I’m also a huge fan of the eyebrow magic over at Benefit. I literally will not let anyone else near my eyebrows until I can get an appointment with Nicole at the Rye, NY store on Purchase Street. She is my go-to girl, even if I have to wait months until I’m back in town to see her. I am one fiercely loyal, Benefit gal!

Thursday Favorites: Benefit Cosmetics